Across our Irish landscape, we often come upon old towers from time gone by. We know from our history these towers provided a place of refuge, safety, protection and shelter for villagers when they were under attack from raiders. They were built strong to withstand attacks of the enemy and the fact that many still stand today is a testimony to their strength.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10
We use and are given names to identify who we are so that when someone calls out your name more than likely you will turn your head in response. In times past a name was not just for identification of a particular person but names also reflected and expressed the person’s identity, their character, their personality, their nature. As we read scripture we see that God has many names woven in and out of the amazing stories, encounters and prophecies throughout it and it is through these names He reveals Himself; His nature, His character. This image of the name of the Lord being a strong tower is so very reassuring and comforting. Indeed as we reflect back over our journey through life we each will all be able to testify to the many times we availed of His shelter and protection.
In these days when fear would try to overwhelm and crush us may we be quick to press into our Strong Tower and rest in the presence of our Father God who is Love. Let us listen to the voice of the ‘Lord Our Shepherd’ who protects, provides, leads and cares for us so patiently. Let us wait patiently under the gaze of our ‘God Who Sees Us’; waiting with a confidence that He not only knows us but is fully aware of everything about us and every circumstance we face.
Father, forgive us for the times we have given ground to the enemy by allowing fear to dictate how we live and how we relate to others; especially in these days of great uncertainty and change. Forgive us that we have not put our trust in You, in Your love and Your care for us. Lord, we do thank You that You are our refuge and our fortress, our place of safety and security, we choose to put our trust in You. Lord Jesus, You are our Good Shepherd, You guard and watch over us, You guide and lead us, we choose to put our trust in You. Holy Spirit, please strengthen and comfort us and help us not to waver but to continue to walk in this trust. Thank You, Lord, that You are who You say You are, a strong tower. Amen