For I have satiated the weary soul, and every languishing soul have I replenished. Jeremiah 31:25 (Darby Bible)
The great debate rages on: baths versus showers. Google it and you will see what I mean. Which do you prefer? Some promote baths as a great means of relaxation and soaking your tired muscles. Others see it solely as sitting in a vat of one’s own dirt and watching your fingers become prune-like. I was wandering along the aisle in the supermarket which stocks showers gels and I must admit their titles seemed most inviting. Here’s a selection:
- feel revived with mandarin and lemongrass;
- feel uplifted with pink grapefruit and basil;
- feel invigorated with lemon and rosemary;
- feel energised with keylime and peppermint;
- feel refreshed with eucalyptus and citrus oils;
- feel active with lemongrass and sea salt;
- feel relaxed with lavender and water lily;
- feel rejuvenated with orange oil and vitamin E;
- feel calm with chamomile and jojoba oil.
Don’t we all desire to feel revived, uplifted, invigorated, energised, refreshed etc.? God desires it for you too. He wants you to feel replenished today. Weariness – whether physical, emotional or spiritual – comes to us all. Isaiah reminds us that although we become tired, the Lord, the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth “will not grow tired or weary”. How easily we forget that in every situation “[the Lord] gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak”. The Psalmist declared:
O God, you cause abundant showers to fall on your chosen people.
When they are tired, you sustain them… Psalm 68:9 (NET)
Allow God to shower you today with His abundance, with “showers of blessing”. The word “shower” in the Hebrew is geshem, which means ‘to pour down in a heavy shower’. God wants to rain blessings in your life – and not just a light rain of blessings. He wants to pour down heavy showers of blessings on you! Allow Him to uplift you and revive you. Open His Word and receive it because…
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul… Psalm 19:7 (ESV)