“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
These are comforting words and as I read them I found myself considering two things: What is God asking of us? What is He promising us?
The dictionary defines ‘dismay’ as: ‘a concern and distress caused by something unexpected’. Often on our life’s journey we find ourselves facing unexpected things that we have to walk through. This might be sudden loss, family breakdown, terminal illness, financial difficulties, mental illness, job loss… the list goes on.
Certainly across the whole earth we are walking through something totally unexpected and maybe like me you feel at times that you are an extra in a disaster movie. Knowing the script in a movie and how we play our role is important. However, we are not in a movie, so in the reality of these days we need all the more to know God’s script.
In our God-given script He is asking us not to be dismayed, not to be alarmed, bewildered, confounded, daunted, discouraged, disquieted, dispirited, disturbed, frightened, scared, or terrified.
He is asking us to deal with fear, to trust Him to direct and guide us, and as we ponder on His God-given script, to allow Him to strengthen, help, encourage and comfort us. That’s His promise to us! That gives us comfort!
Father, may You help me have the courage and wisdom I need to let go of the dismay fear is stirring up in my heart. Father, give me the ability and determination to lay hold of Your promises and to live in the blessing and freedom their truth brings. Father, as I take time in the stillness of Your presence, worshipping You; when I’m reading and meditating on Your word, please help me to find You and hear You. Father, thank You that as I lean into You I will find my spirit strengthened, my heart enlivened and my hands and head lifted up. Amen