‘Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.’ Proverbs 14:34
All around us it would seem like the tide of secularism is rising. A large majority of the people of Ireland, North and South, have turned from the ways of the Lord, rejected the teachings of the Bible and are embracing the right to choose their own ways over the righteousness of God. For many, even within the Church, these are days in which hope seems almost all but lost.
But God…
Now is not a time for despondency or despair. Now is not a time of doom and gloom. Now is a time to believe the Word of the Lord, not the word of the world. Now is a time to be speakers of hope. Now is a time to believe to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
God has blessed me to be a ‘helicopter pilot’, not in the natural sense but in the spiritual; travelling much across Ireland, seeing first hand God at work in remarkable ways, often through small groups of faithful people, who despite trial and indeed sometimes persecution, continue to boldly declare the goodness of God and see His power break forth. I have seen that God is not limited to moving in, or through, any brand of Christianity. He does not have a favourite denomination. He loves all those who put their trust in Him. More and more it is evident that ‘His ways are not our ways’.
Secularism may have risen on a tide of popularity, but we declare over Ireland that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against Him’ (Isaiah 59:19). Already there is evidence of God stirring the Church of Jesus Christ to raise up a standard against the work of the enemy. As we press into a new awakening in Ireland, we are believing for a mighty army to arise, empowered by the Holy Spirit, who has come to the full realisation of who they are in Christ. Across the 32 counties of this land, we declare together ‘Ireland shall be saved’!
Let us purpose together, in our hearts, to pray bold prayers over our families, our communities, our towns, our cities and over Ireland, believing that nothing is impossible with our God. We believe and declare that ‘God is doing a new thing. Now it springs up!’ (Isaiah 43:19).
Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus, believing that you hear and answer prayer. We know that You love Ireland even more than we love Ireland. We know that Your plans for Ireland are good. We thank You that Ireland’s best days are not past but are yet to come. We commit to move forward in faith, believing that You are indeed doing a new thing in our midst. We say that we are available to play our part and we boldly confess that ‘Ireland shall be saved.’ In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!