“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” Hebrews 11:1
Faith is a central pillar in our Christian walk and it is something that pleases God. The essence of faith is a confident trust in what we do not see, more accurately, in Who we do not see.
The greatest fuel to greater faith is to seek the One Who is speaking. Believing in God is entry level faith, but there is a greater reward for those who keep on seeking the One in Whom we believe; and that reward is knowing Him better.
Abraham and Sarah landed in the right place when it came to faith. They considered Him faithful Who had made the promise. Their greater confidence was in the One speaking, more than on what He said.
Our anchor, when we don’t understand what God says, is an unshakeable trust in the One Who is speaking; the One Whose character we have learned to trust because we know His heart.
In the unknown, have faith in The Known. He is faithful and He can be trusted.
Father, teach me to seek You and to know You more. Please reveal to me Who You are. As I get to know You more, teach me to trust You more, even when I don’t understand Your instructions. May every part of my life of faith please You. Amen