“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be
upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6 NKJV
This verse is always read and heard at Christmas time, whether it be in children’s nativities, carol services or various advent messages. It is one I enjoy hearing because of who the writer is talking about – the Lord Jesus Christ. But this verse is not just relevant in the run-up to Christmas, it is forever relevant and true! Any day, anytime, anywhere. He who was and is and will forever be the Son of God, who graced us with His presence here on earth. He is the Child that was born. He is the Son that was given. He is the One whose shoulder the government is upon. He is Wonderful. He is our Counsellor. He is our Mighty God. He is our Everlasting Father. He is our Prince of Peace.
In a world where there is so much chaos, confusion and fear, simply let the truth about who Jesus Christ is, sink in. Take this time today to pause and reflect on Him. Your circumstances may overwhelm you, your thoughts may distress you, from your viewpoint all may seem bleak, but turn your eyes to Jesus right now and in the light of His glory and grace the things of this world, which captivate you now, will grow strangely dim.
He truly is Wonderful! Let your sound arise today into an anthem of praise at how wonderful our Lord Jesus is!
He truly is your Counsellor! He is the One whom you can come to immediately and He will help you process the things that would cause you concern. He is the One who is there to empathise with you and He is abounding in wisdom and love. He knows pain, He knows suffering. He knows!
He truly is your Mighty God! There is no one like Him. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Sovereign overall. So big, so strong and so mighty. He is the Mighty God who fights on your behalf today.
He truly is your Everlasting Father! Your Forever Father. His love never stops flowing toward you. He is everlasting, which means there’s not a moment in any single day that He is not there for you. Always and forever.
He truly is your Prince of Peace! He is your shalom. His peace will surpass your understanding and He will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Turn your eyes to Him today in the midst of the unsettledness of your heart and He will pour in His peace.
Dear God, we want to take time today to thank You afresh for Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. O Lord, thank You so much for sending Him into this world so that we might have our sins forgiven and be reconciled to You. We thank You so much for Jesus, who is Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Help us to daily turn our eyes upon Jesus. We praise His Name forever. Amen.