To willingly go to your death, and die for another person is the ultimate sacrifice. To willingly surrender your own power, your own self and to choose to die – is the ultimate loving sacrifice.
‘Jesus then knowing all that would happen to him, came forward…’ (John 18:4). No power struggle, no coercion, just willingly stepping forward knowing that the coming hours would be the most painful hours of His humanity: torture, humiliation, stripped, mocked, spat on, ridiculed, shamed, and then the sense of abandonment from the Father and pain of separation.
Jesus stepped forward knowingly.
Why? Because of love.
He stepped forward so we could be healed from the pain of abandonment, and the gnawing sense of rejection.
Then it began, those close to Him deserted Him. Feisty Peter, who’d previously announced he’d go the grave, stands in a courtyard cursing Him, denying Him. Now don’t judge him too quickly, let’s be truthful, let’s examine ourselves. How often have we kept Jesus at a distance and lived as if we don’t know Him? Cursed Him with our minds, our actions, and our words.? Denied Him access to our hearts, our lives?
Let’s let the weight of that sink in.
Jesus was willing to step forward for us.
Are you willing to step forward to Him?
Lord Jesus, thank You that You died for me. You were willing to go to the cross for me. May I be willing and ready to take up my cross and follow You. In those places where I lack willingness, make me willing Lord, Amen.