Nothing compares to knowing who we’ve been created to be and what our true purpose is! Every follower of Jesus has a very specific and unique purpose and when we discover it, we find profound fulfilment in it. When we’re living out our purpose all of our challenges are easier, the weight of life is lighter, and worry is replaced with hope. Yet, in these days so many believers are struggling with the enormous weight of today’s many challenges in society and they’re consumed with carnal stresses and worries.
I wonder if the reason for this is linked to carrying lots of ‘stuff’ we need not carry? When we are focused on all the distractions that saturate this world, we end up burdened with the things that stem from those distractions. For example, if we’re distracted by every item on news stories from around the world we’ll be burdened with all of the worries that come from the various events. If we’re distracted and deeply worried about the rising cost of living, our focus will not be on our God who will always provide for our needs (Philippians 4:19).
The reality is that our enemy wants to burden us with the yokes this world places on us, but Jesus has promised that as we accept HIS yoke the experience is very different!
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 11:28–30, NLT)
Maybe it’s time for you to experience the great exchange! It’s time to remove the yoke this world has placed on you and passionately embrace Christ’s yoke. The image being communicated here is two or more oxen being yoked (harnessed) together to pull a plough or other equipment to achieve a purpose. So Jesus is teaching that everyone is yoked for a purpose, but that it’s much better to be yoked together in His purpose and will.
We all have a specific purpose and that will include being yoked with other believers, serving together to advance the Kingdom of God. So have you fully embraced your yoke? Our salvation doesn’t mean that we have no yoke to bear, it simply means that we’re saved according to Christ’s purpose (Romans 8:28). Passionately embracing His purpose for our lives changes everything, why? Because His yoke is easy and the burden is light, we’re empowered to bear it. In His will, the burdens of this world are replaced with excitement, a sense of fulfilment, hope, joy, and a peace that cannot be explained.
Lord, please reveal and confirm the key purpose for this season of my life. Empower me to exchange all of the distractions and burdens of this world and to embrace Your yoke fulfilling Your purpose in hope, joy and peace. Amen.