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Revive Us!

The resurrection plant (Selaginella lepidophylla), native to the USA, Mexico and Central America can survive years of drought, appearing to be dead but actually dormant. After exposure to moisture, even a considerable time after it has wilted, the plant “resuscitates”. Within just a few hours of being in contact with water the dry ball opens, the parched leaves resume their green colour, coming back to life. Continuing it’s life cycle, recovering its photosynthesis and abilities to grow.

Perhaps some of the people of Ireland could be compared to the resurrection plant, wilted, drained and dry. We appear lifeless and dead, could be tossed aside, from the outside it looks like hope for this land is lost.

In John 6:63 we read:

“The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”

The Message version reads: “The Spirit can make life. Sheer muscle and willpower don’t make anything happen. Every word I’ve spoken to you is a Spirit-word, so it is life-making.”

The presence of the Holy Spirit brings life, refreshing waters of living water, revitalizing and restoring, bringing forth life wherever He flows. As we lean in and intercede for Ireland, let’s continue to pray together, believing that even what appears to be dead can be restored and brought back to life. Lives, families and communities can be restored, brought back to life with Christ. In Matthew 19:26 we read the words of Jesus “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” He can transform our political spheres, our laws and sense of morality throughout this land.

So let’s pray believing that through the power of the Holy Spirit that God can move, that He can breathe fresh life, saturating us with the Holy Spirit, yielding life, fruit and vitality among the people in Ireland again. And when we are revived, restored and brought back to life through the power of the Holy Spirit within us, others will want that life that can only be found in Jesus!  That we will all become a people desperate for more of Him, desperate to live our lives fully for Him.

Let’s pray together,

Father we thank you for Ireland, we thank you for how you have moved throughout this land by the power of the Holy Spirit before and we pray Lord, do it again! Breathe life into your people, families, churches, chapels, communities. Revive us! In your name I pray, Amen.

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