Lamentations 3:22-24: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.
Sometimes, if we are honest, we may question the faithfulness of God because of what’s happening in our own lives or even the lives of others. Maybe things didn’t work out how we thought, or maybe we feel we’ve stepped over the line one too many times and that God couldn’t forgive us.
Child of God, no matter what it is for you today, God is faithful, He can’t be anything but faithful, He sees the bigger picture in your life both now and for all eternity!
Be encouraged by Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), as a young girl, she wished she had blue eyes instead of brown. She even prayed that God would change her eye colour and was disappointed when it didn’t happen. At age 20, Amy sensed that the Lord was calling her to serve Him as a missionary. After serving in various places, she went to India and became aware that some parents in India sold their daughters to the temple, where they were used for immoral purposes. As Amy went “undercover” to find details of these children, she was able to pass as an Indian woman because of her brown eyes. An Irish missionary would never have been allowed there, and she could not have done this with blue eyes as this would have given her away immediately.
God is in the detail and is faithful at all times in all things, even in our hardest times.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, we usually are able to look back at something in life and see God’s faithfulness and hand upon us, but how about we have hindsight faith now? That even when we don’t see the answer ahead, we wholeheartedly trust in the great faithfulness of God
But what if you don’t feel you deserve the faithfulness of God? What if you feel you messed up one too many times and fallen outside His grace, love and faithfulness?
Think of Peter. Peter pretty much took on leading the early church. The mighty Peter whom you read about in Acts speaking boldly, seeing miracles, being used by God in some powerful ways… Peter was great, right?
Or was he?
Was it not Peter who said to Jesus at the last supper, even if I have to die with you Jesus, I will not deny you. Yet, Peter followed Jesus to Caiaphas’ house, and when it came down to it, and he was surrounded by people against Jesus, he denied Jesus three times! If you were hiring for a church leader, would it be Peter here?
But what happened for Peter to be restored, what happened that Peter was forgiven? What happened that his life was turned around to help lead the early church? The cross happened!
At the cross, there is renewal, there is forgiveness of sin, there is restoration, there is healing, there is life! Jesus forgave Peter and restored him to better than before. It wasn’t Peter who was great or any of us who are great – it’s Jesus who is great! God knows about your failings and future sins, and as 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God is always faithful, even when we are not.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your great faithfulness at all times and in all places in my life. Help me see You afresh today and trust in Your faithfulness above my feelings. I give You all praise and glory. Amen.