It happened a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land. 1 Kings 17:7 (NASB)
I have been contemplating the ramifications of 1 Kings 17:7 and specifically the words “the brook dried up”. Elijah was well supplied, morning and evening, by the miraculous special delivery meals of the ravens. In addition, God provided plenty of refreshing water from the splashing brook that flowed nearby. The brook represented a place of provision and plenty.
However, we go on to read the words, “…the brook dried up.”
Elijah had the choice of bemoaning the fact that the brook no longer flowed or choosing to move on with God’s plan. God’s provision for Elijah, and his assignment, was in another location. God told him:
Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you. 1 Kings 17:9
Had the brook not dried up, Elijah would have stayed there. He would have relaxed in his comfort zone. But he would have missed out on the miraculous widow’s cruse of oil and barrel of meal, the raising of the widow’s son, the Carmel experience and fire from heaven, being fed by an angel, dividing the waters of the Jordon, mentoring Elisha and so much more.
When the waters of the brook stop flowing and the ravens stop flying with food in their mouths, let us take note that the season has changed and it’s time to move on to the next great part of God’s plan. In the brook, note that God only fed one person, Elijah; but when it dried up, God sent Elijah to a family and God used him to feed a bigger number, and when Elijah left this family, he was used by God to release rain and a whole nation was fed and refreshed.
When one assignment ends, don’t sit by the brook complaining. Move on because God has something bigger and greater in store.