Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at Your presence – as fire kindles the brushwood, as fire causes water to boil – to make Your name known to Your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Your presence! Isaiah 64:102 (NASB)
The prophet’s words are intense and intentional here. Is there an “Oh, That…” in our praying? Is there an intensity? Is there a passion, a longing, a burden, tears and concern? Are we just saying prayers or are we really praying? The prophet knew that God was the answer and so he directly addressed God, “Oh, that You would…” Revival is always the sovereign act of God. It is the Lord God rending the heavens and coming down among His people. In other words, revival is a mighty manifestation of the presence and power of God. If you would have asked the recipients of past revivals what happened they would have said, “The Lord came down among us and we were overwhelmed with the sense of His presence and power.” That is what happened in the Ulster revival of 1859, in the valleys of Wales in 1904 and in the Scottish Hebrides.
Is there a longing in our hearts to see the mountains melt – mountains of pride, rebellion, division, deception and every obstacle to God’s work? Is there a longing to see the nations tremble at the undeniable Presence of God and stand in awe of Him? To quote from an extract given by the parish minister of Barvas in Scotland:
You could feel His presence in the homes of the people, on meadow and moor land, and even on the public roads.
Can you identify with the cry from the heart of Isaiah the prophet? Is this your cry, too? As we pray may there be an “Oh that…” in our prayers to the glory of God.
Oh Lord! On this day of Pentecost, may we have hearts like Isaiah to cry out to You in passion and with power, that You would pour out Your Spirit again upon us in Ireland and across Your world. As You did in the beginning of Your Church and during times of revival, come to us again this day we pray in a mighty awakening for Your glory! Amen