God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display His wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Ephesians 3:10 (New Living Translation)
I love this verse – what an amazing concept is here! Do you know that by being in the church, you and I are part of the statement God wants to make about Himself in the unseen heavenly realm? The church is not only an expression of God’s kingdom on earth but also in heaven.
Why would God think it is important to display His wisdom before these unseen rulers and authorities? What is it with the church that expresses something God thinks these rulers and authorities should know about Himself?
The New Living Translation, Study Bible Note on Ephesians 3:10 reads, “The church is meant to showcase to the entire universe God’s wisdom in its rich variety, as expressed in His plan of redemption” (see Rom 11:33-36).
This has cosmic significance and 1 Peter 1:12 tells us that even angels long to look into these things!
As the community of people who have exchanged their lives for Jesus’ life, the church is an expression of the unconditional love of God that Jesus demonstrated when he gave up his life on the cross for people like you and me.
These unseen rulers and authorities may be obedient angels or they may be malevolent, rebellious spirits that also inhabit that realm. Perhaps one facet of what God might be saying to them could be, “Look at my church, see how they live together. Look at what their lives were like before they came to me and see what they’re like now. They’ve received forgiveness from Me and now give it away to one another and beyond. They are no longer living in conflict with each other, no longer weighed down by guilt and shame, no more bitterness, no harsh words, no slander, no sexual immorality, no greed, no back-stabbing … see how they imitate me! (Ephesians 5:1) See what a community of people living out of my forgiveness and trusting in my ways looks like.”
God is creating this new humanity in Christ. Perhaps the rulers and authorities didn’t think the decision of Father, Son and Holy Spirit to follow through on Christ’s way of self-sacrifice would work; that unconditional love wouldn’t be enough. But God is saying of his church, “Here she is, the fruit of my wisdom, look at her, isn’t she beautiful! In Christ Jesus my wisdom is building you together to become a dwelling in which I live by my Spirit!”
Father, how can we thank You enough! Even though Your wisdom is beyond us, You give Yourself to us and invite us to be part of what You are doing. Help us to be the people You want us to be so that we, as Your Bride, the church, can be the expression of who You want her to be, through Jesus our Lord. Amen.