Mark 4: 41 says, And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” (Mar 4:41 NKJ)
What a revelation of Jesus that brought fear over them!
Wow! This Jesus had just spoken to the natural elements and stilled a storm!
What a moment of awe, and awe alone could be the disciples’ response!
Jesus speaks with that awesome power, proving that He who rules the wind, controls the sea, and stills the tempest is the Christ, the Son of God. They saw this verse in action, Psalm 89:8-9 O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you? You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.
In this story in Mark chapter 4, Jesus reveals more of Himself to His disciples. And I believe He calls us, and invites us to have a continual deeper revelation of Him as we follow Him through life.
So how do we live a life that will position us to have a continual deeper revelation of Him?
Be Ready
It was just like any other day. But an ordinary day can become extraordinary when Jesus is involved! What an exciting thing this is. Not only that, but out of a storm in chapter 4 came a deeper revelation of Jesus. He really can turn all things around. Be ready and be open. He is wanting to reveal more of Himself to us
Walk with Jesus
The disciples walked with Jesus, they lived with Him daily. There is a cost to this. They spent time with Him, and their minds were therefore filled with what He said.
We can fill our minds with so much: life’s problems, work, money, and social media etc. How much time do we spend scrolling through social media, filling our minds with all its content? I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad, but how much are we filling our minds with God’s word, praise and His presence? It’s simple to know more about someone, we spend time with them.
You are invited afresh today to walk closely with Him, and the beautiful thing is that there will always be more to know about Jesus.
Put your Trust in His Leading and His Word.
The best plan for your life is God’s plan. You can fully trust Him to lead you. He leads these men into a storm but also leads to a deeper faith and revelation of Himself. Sometimes you won’t always understand His leading, but you can always trust it. Not only that, but what God promises, He delivers on. Isn’t it an incredible comfort to have faith in a God Who means what He says, and has the ability and power to carry it out 100% of the time.
He is true, He does what He says.
Holy Spirit, please, give us a deeper revelation of Jesus! Tune our minds and hearts to Him afresh. Amen