I don’t know where you are today in your life but I want to encourage you:
God is for you. He loves you. Jesus died for you, and He cares for you. He calls you to Him at this moment. Be captivated afresh with His love and glory. He has more for you. He is Awesome!
In Revelation, Jesus says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Rev 1:8 NKJ). Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
So Jesus is declaring this to us: “I have the first word in your situation. And I have the final word in your situation!”
Based on this, here is a faith declaration you might find helpful. Why not declare over your life now.
God has the first word as this world began and He will have the last.
He is the Beginning and the End, He is the First and the Last, He is overall and in all.
He is who He is, He is who He was, and He is who is to come.
He is the Almighty.
He is risen, He has conquered, He is alive.
He is my Saviour, and no man, no demon, no devil can keep Him from me.
No problem, no situation, nobody can separate me from Him.
He died that I might know Him.
He lives that I might experience Him.
He is coming again so I might be with Him forever.
He is for me and not against me.
He has done everything He can for me to know Him deeply, Hallelujah!
Death could not hold Him, sin did not defeat Him or defile Him!
Instead, He has overcome, He is victorious, He is my God, He is here to meet with me.
It is He who has taken up residence in me.
So I lay aside every weight that hinders and every sin that entangles,
I cast off all restraint and restriction,
And open up my heart to the Greatest, most Powerful, Supreme, Extravagant, All-knowing, All-seeing, Almighty One.
A cross did not stop Christianity; it started it!
The tomb did not put an end to Jesus, it allowed Him to show His glory and prove He is the powerful God.
Now and forever He reigns; now and forever He is glorified; now and forever He has the final say!
May you live, breathe, and experience these truths daily.
Heavenly Father, we crown You with all praise, glory and honour. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is no one like You in all the universe. Thank You for all You have done for me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that Your death and resurrection have secured my life for eternity. I put my faith and trust in You. Thank You for having the final say over my life, family, finances, job, future and everything! Amen.